Bankruptcy Advisory Debtor and Creditor

Navigating through the next chapter.

Any number of events can bring a business to the brink: technological changes, marketplace disruption, lawsuits, a black swan event, or simply a lack of effective planning and execution. But when a company faces the possibility of bankruptcy, it’s hard to see a path to the most successful outcome possible. And when a creditor needs to recover assets, only the shortest path from A to B will do.

ESBA’s insight and experience helps both debtors and creditors. We serve as advisors to debtors, guiding them through this complex process in all its phases, including pre-bankruptcy strategic and tactical analysis and planning. We also serve as advisors to creditors, uncovering opportunities to maximize recovery. We offer a full range of value-added advisory services to stakeholders in court supervised restructurings, including offering expert testimony.

Our restructuring professionals work closely with our operations experts, our corporate finance professionals, and our litigation consultants to bring our full capability to the table. In addition, our team approach also means we work with our highly experienced turnaround professionals exploring options to avoid bankruptcy if possible through robust turnaround services.

Through it all we are focused on each client’s goals, whether ensuring that it is feasible for the debtor to reorganize and move forward as a good customer capable of meeting its financial obligations or achieving the maximum possible financial recovery for creditors on their pre-petition unsecured claims. Over hundreds of engagements, we have helped keep all parties focused on the goals. We develop detailed action plans to address each unique challenge and bring each case to its optimal outcome.

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